Essence Life Coaching

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"Without risk, faith is an impossibility."
~ Soren Kierkegaard

Considering CTI’s certification program?

Looking for the perfect coach to guide you on the journey?

Wanting to get the most that you can from the experience?

Coach2Coach helps you excel in certification
and develop mastery in your coaching.

Coach2Coach (C2C) is a comprehensive coaching package designed to fully support you through CTI’s certification program. It combines one-on-one coaching with targeted support around the most challenging pieces of the program so that you have a safe and courageous space to reach your highest potential.

At C2C, we know too well the challenges and the vast rewards available along the certification path. We’ll support you to:

  • Reach and maintain your client goals
  • Manage challenges, failures and the dips
  • Ace the written and oral exams
  • Get the most out of the program, savoring the journey along the way